Monday, June 17, 2024


The Cedar Mountain CANTEEN Bier Garden will host an exhibit of Guy's & Cate's ART

Exhibit will run from June 30 to August 15, 2024

Opening Event is Sunday June 30, 1 to 2:30pm

Followed by a Mountain Music Jam3 to 5pm
(in the Canteen courtyard, weather permitting, indoor otherwise)

Canteen offers over 150 beverages, alcoholic & non-alcoholic. Live music everyday. It's a community rich meeting place.
Cedar Mountain is in North Carolina. 2 miles from the SC state line,  and 5 minutes from Caesars Head State Park.  CANTEEN is on 276.  It's about 30 miles from Greenville and about 1 hour drive.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

A Classic Work

I picked up "Japanesse Lanterns" last week from a business where it was hanging. It has long been a favorite. Interestingly its first version, which hides on the same canvas behind this version, featured a couple in love lounging high in the trees.  

Guy left this life realm 10 Years ago.

 A new companion joined our family recently. Her name is Bella and it just so happen that she was born on the same calendar date as Guy's passing: April 13. She is now 21 months. Guy would adore her.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

                              40 Years of Guy Stevens Art

                               Hosted by Son Nathan 

                                    A   C l o s i n g   E x h i b i t   E v e n t

 The Artistry Workshops & Gallery

12 Andrews St., Greenville, SC  29601

F r i d a y  S e p t e m b e r  25 , 6  t o  9 pm

For more info call or text Nathan (864)915-5779 - Cate (864)915-8427  or

On Facebook: The Paintings of Guy & Cate Stevens

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Stevens 2019 Calendar is here

13 images - 3 of Guy's paintings from his European travels
10 recent work by Cate

11x14, heavy card stock, $29 each with shipping

To order email
 Brooklyn Bridge, New York
Painted in 2000

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mediterranean Village

This is one of Guy's 1999 "pink" paintings. Even though Guy named it Mediterranean Village, it features peach orchards which is an upstate South Carolina subject for Guy. Many of his paintings included references from many areas.

Fiesole with Donkey

This one was painted on location. It's one of few larger oils, Guy was able to paint, while traveling in Europe.

Fiesole with Haywagon

Painted in 1999 upon returning from Fiesole, Italy. Fiesole is near Florence, "Firenze".
Guy had the wonderful fortune to paint in both Fiesole and Florence. His friend Luis Arrondo
help make that journey possible and what beautiful works it inspired !

Blond Girl Daydreaming

Guy painted a whole series of beautiful sceneries in 1999. In so many of them he incorporated blooming trees, bright colors, a lot of pink and red. In this one the girl and the fish have a very special connection.

Camden Harbor

In 1997,  Guy travelled from South Carolina to North Eastern Québec with our son Nathan who was then 3 1/2 years old. He painted in many states and cities along the way. Camden Harbor was definitely a favorite for Guy and patrons alike. This watercolor was one of the larger piece.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bouquet From Paris

Bouquet From Paris was begun in Severin Kron's studio outside Paris. It is one of five oil paintings that were done on loose pieces of canvas. That way they could easily be transported back home. During that Summer (1998), Guy painted 50 paintings (watercolors and oils) while traveling in six European countries.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Artist's Window, Provence

Of course Guy fell in love with Provence. Who wouldn't ?  This is the view inside and from his room. There are three versions of this composition. This version lives in Richmond, Virginia.

Dreaming of Hydra

On the Island of Hydra there is a small village called Kamini. This is where Guy started painting yellow hills. Yellow and turquoise are my favorite colors, so that's heaven to me.

Major Work

Full Moon over Hydra
I believe Guy painted this one at Art's Palette on Main Street in 2004. Hydra, its imagery, atmosphere influenced his visual poetry until he passed on in 2013. Hydra is a Greek Island where absolutely no motorized vehicles are allowed. I have to go there some day.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

All time favorite

Flower Girl 
Like Flowers for Jacques in Gold it was painted in our home studio in early 2005. This painting “burst" out of him. Every single stroke and scratch seemed to flow through him in perfect harmony. It is part of a series titled The Light of Soul. It's all about the light that shines from within. "Let thy light shine before thee".

Favorite Still Life

Freising Bouquet
It was begun in Holland and completed in Freising, Germany in 1998. It was Guy's first trip to Europe and first important work there as well. This painting is actually a watercolor.

Favorite Still Life

Still life with yellow vase
Our son Julien is so fond of this one he claimed it for his collection.

Favorite Still Life

Flowers for Jacques in Gold
It has been a favorite image since it was painted in early 2005, in our home studio.

Favorite Still Life

Dancing Sunflowers
Painted in 2008 on Pendleton Street. An absolute favorite, it sold in 2013.

Major Work

Black Whale Flying
I believe it was painted at Guy's Pendleton Street location, in west Greenville in 2006.
This painting is still available, it is 60"x48"

Major Work

Bleus du Soir was painted at Art's Palette, a gallery on Main Street, Greenville. A gallery we managed in 2003 and 2004.

Major Work

Guy painted Four Sailboats in our home studio in 2004. It's all about what he was most known for: fishes in the sky, dream locations, sailboats, imaginative composition, bright harmonious colors....

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Hydra Like Painting

In 2010 Guy was working on a large Hydra painting. Hydra is a little Greek Island where absolutely no motorized vehicles are allowed. Guy painted there for five weeks in 2001. It  influenced his artwork until the end of his life. For over four decades he was the painter of dreams.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Still life with Magic Moon

And once again the composition is reinvented ! This version is even larger.

Still Life in Bright Yellow

This is one of the most recent still life with four vases. It is twice as large as the "original" version and is full of yellow. It's such a feel happy painting!

The Development of a Composition

Often when there is a lot of interest in a painting, its colors and composition, Guy would revisit it. And each time it would transform itself, become something more, something different and often he just could not help, but to completely change it. Four vases inspired many more paintings.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Beautiful Transformation

This is the finished painting: Four vases with daisies

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Beautiful Daisies

Guy so much enjoyed the adventure of painting, it really showed.

Beautiful Still Life

White Roses, Red and Blue Vases. I liked Guy's bold use of colors and his care for finding the perfect harmony within it.

Girls Loving Guy Stevens Art

A few weeks ago we received a wonderful visit. Two of the girls had been in the studio before. I'm not sure how many times. They're always filled with joy and true appreciation. Their visit infused me with renewed purpose. This time they brought three more friends. They're all graduate from the College of Charleston and they were spending a celebratory girls' weekend Downtown Greenville. In the picture they are from left to right each holding their favorite's of Guy's pictures: Elisabeth B, Amanda, Elizabeth G, Lindsey and Rachael.

Thank you Girls we really enjoyed your visit!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Suyin visits the studio

The reason why I find it so pertinent to include in our blog, such entry as, a visitor to our studio, is they in their own way contribute to the making of a Guy Stevens' painting. The love and appreciation they give propels the artist forward.
Yesterday we received a wonderful visit from Suyin. She is from Rhode Island. She was so taken with the work, it gave us a great lift. It's one of the gift of being artist, to observe others connect with the images. It literally brings the paintings to life and transport the viewer in a deeper often divine state. Sue said things like : "I'm in heaven". "I see Van Gogh, Monet, Chagall, Grandma Moses and more". She was also the second person in 24 hours who commented: "These paintings should be in the Metropolitan Museum of Art". The paintings helped her connect with her mother who is also an artist with very vivid dreams. It's such a gift to share with other beings the divine thread that sustains all life through paintings.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

And they paint some more

No pressure today, the painting isn't at a crucial juncture so Guy turns the canvas over to Mom and Israel for several quick brush strokes. I love the way the child's face blends so well with his Mommy's.

Israel & his Mom paint together

Israel is checking on me.

Cat Vases & White Flowers

It's the last day Guy worked on this one. I believe he is really happy with it, I know I am. Lots of patina and scratching gives it a really rich feel.

Day 6

I believe this painting is just delightful and still has one more day to go.

Day 5 (give or take)

Day 3: Cat Vases

Our young visitor was so charming! Sharing the work with our new friends is such a blessing.

Cat Vases Painting Day One

This painting was begun towards the end of February I believe.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Final Day for February Still Life

Day Eight: Guy declared this painting complete this morning. It combines two of my favorite colors: yellow and turquoise. These colors have such effect on me, they awake something that is happy and real. It's like a love poem. To quote Guy: "This painting makes me think of the poet who wrote, "Truth is beauty". Beauty, truth is all you need to know."

To view more work click here

Day Five

Today Guy is having so much fun and the result is a village for table cloth.

Day Three

Guy is working on two paintings at this time. He is doing this present one and a repaint. He is repainting something I am already mourning over. He is fearless in his approach. Those entries will come later in the week.

To view more of Guy's work click here

A February Still life, Day One

This soft composition has so much potential. I can't wait to see what it will become.

To view more work click here

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Final Day

Day 20 was Monday February 1st. The artist pronounced the work signed and sealed.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

By Moonlight

Today is Day 12. By the way "Landscaping by Moonlight"(last post's title) is not the title of the painting. Its title is still evolving. When I spoke with Guy about the movie "Serious Moonlight" with Meg Ryan, a few days ago he thought about giving the painting that name. I can tell he wants to take this painting all the way to the finish line. Whatever that means for Guy.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Landscaping by Moonlight

Day Eight: Guy worked on trees, lots of trees. And now there's a moon too. Also if you look at the last "painting only" post as a comparison, Guy now has water running through the middle.